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Spannocchia Honey Harvest

  • Bee Boxes
    Take a virtual tour of Spannocchia's honey processing. The farm is located on 1200 acres in Tuscany, Italy.
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Cuz Ed

I will scour the Newstands in Alsaka to find my copy of bon appétit!


My girl Celia hung out with those pigs for the summer. I helped feed them one day with her - and clean their poop. Later that evening I witnessed one of the most phenomenal sunsets I'll probably ever see. And then we listened to Project Pat and drank San Giovese into the night

Beata Bernina

Hello ladies, I am a photographer who is planning to spend a week at Spannocchia in May and looking for advice on life on the farm. I'll go to my library to see if they still have the copy of this Bon Appetit, but I thought I'd ask someone who's been there directly. If you were to art-direct a photographer for a magazine editorial on Spannocchia, what would you ask her to photograph to feature in YOUR magazine? I appreciate your input and suggestions.
By the way, I lived in Boston for 16 years before moving to warmer LA 4 years ago.

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